Why the fish?

The fish (a.k.a. Sir Ramses) appeared
at the end of our first official skit
“Fowl Play” among several of his brothers. Since then, he has become somewhat of our good luck charm and has appeared in nearly every skit since.

Why the fish?

The fish (a.k.a. Sir Ramses) appeared at the end of our first official skit “Fowl Play” along with several of his fishy brothers.
Since then, he has become somewhat of our good luck charm and has appeared in nearly every skit since.

Sips and Skits Playlist

Alternate dimensions, ancient prophecies, time travel, intense hair competitions, wizards, detectives, Christmas escapades, Lovecraftian horrors, and so much more. In here you’ll find the collection of our short comedic skits, satirical shorts, and original films and series we love to make.

Video Series

AlterNATE Dimensions

When an “Evil Nate” appears from another dimension, hell-bent on the elimination of every other Nate in the multiverse, it’s up to our hero (also Nate) to travel the unknown in order to stop the danger to Nate-kind.

Behind the Making of the Scenes (BTMOTS)

When things get made, mistakes happen, laughs ensue, and goofs are had. “Behind the Making of the Scenes” is a collections of all of those mistakes, laughs, and goofs.

Christmas Skits

Everything holly and jolly we've made.